Perfect Garden Soil Blend 2024
Finding the perfect balance is key...
I've spent years struggling for answers to my garden woes. I've since learned that companion planting is a huge help when keeping your garden all organic. I was so focused on fertilizers and pest treatments that I overlooked the obvious for so long..... It all starts with your soil!
So in February of 2023, Ryan and I were building a brand new garden from scratch. By complete accident (working on a video), we stumbled upon a soil biologist that opened our eyes to soil health. We haven't been in touch for a while, but I hope he knows just how grateful we are.
After that first (and very long) conversation, our journey started. We focused all of our energy on learning how to mimic what mother nature does. After all, there isn't anyone fertilizing, tilling and watering all the beautiful plants that grow in the wild. So why is it so hard to get the same results in our garden? Simply put, it's because we interfere.
I have written an extensive guide that explains in detail (without all the boring stuff) just what we learned (more info on that later). But from a very basic starting point, these ingredients will get you started on the right track!
feed your soil, not your plants

Best Soil Blend
If you haven't, give this video a quick watch. I go over our recipe and a brief explanation of why we use what we use.
Here is the Recipe...

A Base...
We get our "base" soil from a local landscape supply. We have a pickup truck and can buy in bulk. This save a lot of money. You don't need anything fancy here, just make sure it's clean and from a reputable source. We have had success with a "fine leaf mold compost". We have also had success with mushroom compost. It's really cheap, but be careful! Organic gardeners want to make sure their mushroom compost is free from residual chemicals, which can make this option difficult.

Vermiculite and Perlite are great for aeration! Again, we get large quantities from our local feed store because it saves money. Other options like pumice may be a better choice where you are. Find what is local to you. I go over this in my ebook 7 Secrets to Successful Soil as well. Make some calls and see what is budget friendly where you are.
But if you are looking to blend a small amount of soil, then by all means click on the link below. I have put together some great Amazon links for you.

Moisture Control...
Have you ever struggled with a potted plant? Pots and grow bags dry out so darn fast! Summer before last, in the Texas heat, I was literally watering my grow bags a few times per day. They still didn't do well. It seemed like one would be dry by the time I finished watering the one next to it!
We found PittMoss last year and I am a fan for life. I've done a few videos about it, not because it was some sort of sponsorship, but because it helped my garden thrive!
A MUST have for containers and raised beds.

All of the worm!
Worms are a sign of great soil health. They aerate the soil and their waste is so beneficial to the entire microbial habitat living in your soil. I always give mine a solid boost with worm castings!

Soil Amendment that works...
As with many things I changed last year, this was a big one! Sarah runs Grow Texas Earth and knows a thing or two about regenerative farming and soil health. I've spent hours talking with her about creating a perfect garden soil. She named off all the things that go into a great soil. I simply asked, can we put it all in a bucket with the right ratios?
Well here it is, Perky Plant Soil Amendment! A little goes a long way and it's everything you want, and nothing you don't.
PS. The BioNectar Dry is amazing! It's like magic for propagating plants.

Wanna learn more?
I did all of the studying for you. Trust me when I say that there is a lot so exciting reading when you dive into soil health. I consolidated all of the information (and made it fun!) that you need, along with my personal experience in 7 Secrets to Successful Soil.
A digital ebook that teaches how to create the best soil for your garden today!
The unmentioned...
I didn't discuss it in this video, but I have several videos talking about it. one of the principles of great soil health is to "Keep your soil covered." Our very own Hemp Mulch (below) is perfect for the job. I won't go on and on here, but I would encourage you to learn more. I have lots of info right here on our website.
Mindful Hemp Co.
Mindful Hemp Mulch & Animal Bedding (25lbs)- Covers over 50 square feet!